For Christmas, my parents gave me the best gift - a Nikon D60 SLR, which I have been using so much lately that Anna told me the other day to "take it off my face." (!) But how can I resist when I have such a fun toy to play with and the most beautiful subjects in the world all day long to photograph? Here are some recent photos of our exploits:

I'm in love with the way this camera photographs hair - and of course, the girl who owns the hair I'm photographing :)

If you'll check out Anna's (Jimmy's) right boot, it's decorated to the hilt with glitter stickers

Bathtub time for Meggy, who seems to be taking smiling lessons from her big sister

I asked them to splash, and I definitely got what I asked for

Megan's hair refuses to stay down - she has a constant cowlick these days. I find it utterly precious and take as many pictures of it as possible - and who can resist those eyelashes?

The best photograph of the bunch

Tonight Anna gave me the best gift ever - she was grocery shopping in the playroom, and talking to herself. I asked her what she was doing with her big basket of alphabet cards in the grocery store, and she told me that they are her coupons! Mommy couldn't be more proud!

We have been going through my old kid jewelry lately, and Anna has been pronouncing everyone "late" or that it is "closing time"

Megan learned how to play ring around the rosy in Musikgarten a couple weeks ago, so we had to teach Anna. Now we do it at least 300 times a day!

As far as photographic quality, this is my favorite - I'm just amazed by the detail (and isn't she beautiful?!?)
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