Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Big News!

There's big news for the Wrights - Anna's going to be a big sister! We are all so thrilled to be adding a new member to the family. I am about three months along (as of last Saturday) and everything seems to be going great. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and had an ultrasound. Mimi and I got to watch the baby twitch and move its little hands and feet. Dr. Madden says we both look perfectly healthy!

I keep intending to scan the ultrasound pics we got so that I can post them, but with everything else going on, I just haven't found time. Promise I'll do it soon.

In other news, we had Anna's 9 month pictures taken this last weekend in Austin. As always, they are absolutely beautiful - is it even possible that there's a prettier 9 month old in this world?! (Okay, I know I'm biased, but she's gorgeous!) Check them out at:

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