Friday, March 27, 2009


Well, I don't like to do this, but I just can't help myself any longer - I've found a great new resource on the web, and I want to share it with all of you. It's called Swagbucks - it's a search engine that "pays" you in credits to use them. Basically, when you use it, you can earn credits that you can then put towards getting their prizes - which range from gift cards to iPhones. Anyway, I've been using it for about 6 weeks now, and I've already gotten a $5 gift certificate from Amazon and am almost ready to get another one.

If you want to sign up for it, please use this link:

It allows you to become my "friend" and I get credit for bringing you to the website. So, yes, I'm not doing this completely selflessly - but I really would highly recommend the site. It uses Google and Ask as its search engines, so you get good results plus ways to earn free stuff!

Okay, end of spiel - I promise it will be a LONG time before I use this blog again for anything other than pictures of the girls. Which, speaking of - here are a few new ones:

Pops and Anna in the tent in Junction
Our precious Megan

Dress up time!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Megan's 6 month photos

I know, I know - it's already been a month past her 6 month mini-birthday, and I still haven't posted the password to Megan's photos! Sorry about that...if you'll go to, look under the Clients tab and type in the password "megan6" to see them. They're wonderful, as always! Here are a few of our faves: