Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Visits from friends and family, along with fun daily pictures

My girls in purple

First family pic since the hospital
Megan just loves watching Anna run around
What a cutie!
Getting ready for sprinkler time!
I was so excited to catch her smiling on camera!

Paw-Paw holding Megan
Ma holding Megan
Mike and Julie came to visit us over the weekend - we had such a great time!
The following video is of Anna "talking." She babbles constantly and often sounds like she's really saying something. I don't think it's going to be long before she surprises us with all sorts of words...she already says 9 (mama, baba, egan (for Megan), block, book, ball, yeah, no, anks (for thanks)). I'm amazed at her verbal abilities - can't imagine what it'll be like in a few months.