Thursday, January 29, 2009

Introducing...Megan, sitting up!

Since Anna got her own blog post last time, I figured it was about time to give Megan her own. And there's plenty of excitement to report in Megan's world right now. The new latest developments are that she is sitting up without assistance, as of a few weeks ago, and she is eating solids for the first time. She has had cereal, peas and squash so far and has liked all of them. In fact, she gets so into her eating experience that she grunts as soon as she swallows the bite she has in her mouth and will not stop until another one comes in. She's obviously a bit of a foodie like her Mommy :)
Like her sister, Megan is fond of mushed peas
This was taken a few weeks ago, when she first could support herself...she's much more upright and steady nowadays. Will have a better picture up soon.
Playing in the new playhouse (she especially likes it when Anna peeks in the windows at her!)

A video of Megan's first bite of solids - rice cereal

In other news, Anna and Megan are really, for the first time, able to play with one another. Up until now, Megan was just a little too little for any play with a toddler. Now, though, she's durable enough to endure Anna's enthusiastic loving. Nothing makes my heart clench up with love more than watching them play together. Here are some pics:

This headlock Anna has Megan in looks painful, but Megan just thought it was hilarious

Megan and Anna "talk" a lot - who knows what they might be saying?!?

And finally, just some random pics from the last few weeks...

Me and my beautiful girls - isn't this a great photo Jimmy took?Animal cracker coma

No drama here... :)

A beautiful West Texas sunset out our window

Last but certainly not least, we are MOVING! We have sold our home and have a contract on a new home. We will move on Feb. 13th and will post lots of pictures once we get in. We are so excited to be in our new house - it's fabulous!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I am so proud of Anna! As my mom puts it, she is going through the "myself" phase - she wants to do everything herself. Although sometimes this can get frustrating for me, most of the time it is just wonderful to have her complete tasks that, up until now, I was responsible for. Check out the video below of her using her spoon and feeding herself yogurt...I love that she is such a neatnik and cleans her hands and tray at every opportunity!