Friday, May 14, 2010

Watering the garden

Don't tell these girls that our garden is automatically watered by our sprinkler system...they can do it by themselves!

I'm not sure what Meggy was upset about, but I love this picture...full of drama

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Anna's b-day party

Oh my goodness, I can't believe that in just a few short days, my baby is going to be 3. It just doesn't seem possible. The little sweetie that used to stare at me for long hours into the night at 8 weeks, daring me to look at her so she could smile and stay awake a little longer now speaks in full sentences, can dress completely by herself (buttons, shoes, hair and all), spell anything written out for her, and memorize long stories, songs, and directions to places around town. She is precious beyond words, an amazing big sister and daughter, and we are so blessed to have her in our lives every day!

We had her 3rd birthday party with her friends this weekend and what an extravaganza it was! It was held at the Children's Museum, complete with a magic show, cotton candy and slime.

No news show is complete without a woman on the phone (upside down of course) and a man eating a hot dog on air

Mommy was quite pleased that the princess wand and hat were such a hit!

Austin for Spring Break

We had a fabulous Spring Break with the O'Neills in Austin - the kids had a blast spending time together, and I, as always, loved getting to spend the week with Audrey and Will and my beautiful godkids.


Easter was so much fun this year - both girls loved all the festivities, and we loved really getting to celebrate with them. They wore their beautiful dresses that Ma made them last year for pictures to church, and on the Saturday before, we went to the country club with Mimi and Pops for a very fun brunch where the Easter bunny made an appearance, along with a magician, a face-painter, and lots of candy :)

Daddy Jungle Gym

We now have a tradition in our house - it's called "Daddy Jungle Gym Time", and it comes after dinner nearly every Monday and Wednesday night before Daddy has to go to his MBA classes. It's a welcome 30-45 minute respite for Mom, and it's a great time for the girls and Daddy, who spend their time listening to loud country music, "stomping guts," climbing all over Daddy and generally just roughhousing. The other day I got some great pictures of their escapades.

Fun in Rankin

We've recently made several trips to Rankin, and had lots of fun visiting with Ma, who always provides plenty of popsicles and plays outdoors with the girls to their hearts' content. Nothing is better for a three year old and near-two year old!


Anna decided a couple weeks ago to become Superman (I think she hears a lot about him from the boys in her class), and of course Megan wanted to join in. Here are their adventures:


So, I'm a little behind on posting (!), so bear with me - this is not going to be chronological, but at least I'm going to get caught up!

Jimmy and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas a few weeks ago and had an amazing time, thanks to Nunny, Ma, Mimi and Pops who kept the girls for us. We slept, ate, and relaxed like we haven't in years, and so enjoyed ourselves. What a great trip - we're now desperately trying to come up with a way to go again!

The view off our patio in Miami

Atlantis in Nassau