Thursday, October 9, 2008

Girls, girls, girls

I love Megan's face in this - as if to say "Mom, I don't think you should trust Anna to hold me just yet. What are you thinking?"
You can't really read her shirt, but it's straight from Wagamama's in London, my fave restaurant - thanks, Mimi and Pops!
I love that smile!
Anna's so fancy - she's got a polo dress, a pearl necklace, and a cute barette - all thanks for Aunt Amy and Uncle Scott!

This video is to showcase two of Anna's most recent accomplishments - walking backwards (which is about the cutest thing I've ever seen) and singing. She's also dancing (which consists of her bending down and shaking her booty), saying "Mmmmm-oooooo" when asked what a cow says, and has finally learned to say "no" after many months of only saying "yeah!" Needless to say, Jimmy and I are rather sad that no is part of the vocabulary now - everything was so easy when she agreed with us all the time!!!!