Friday, October 26, 2007

Fall Fun

How nice it is that it is finally fall in West Texas! The hot weather was beginning to get stifling, but now that it has cooled off, we are finally enjoying the outside again, much to Anna's joy :-)

We have taken a couple trips in the past week - both of them lots of fun. The first was a weekend to visit the Wright family. This was the first time that many of Jimmy's brothers and sisters got to meet Anna, so that was exciting. We had a great time visiting with them as well as some friends in the Dallas area.

Just a few days ago, Mom, Anna and I traveled to Austin to see Amy Tan speak at Southwestern. It was a fantastic event - Amy is a great speaker and we really enjoyed the night out. Thanks to Don Will for keeping Anna and Keegan for us!

There will definitely be another post in a week, since Anna is going to be a ladybug for Halloween. We've already previewed the costume on her - absolutely adorable, of course! Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the cool weather!

Uncle Chris, Uncle Ken, Nunny and Anna

Anna with her Gramps and Nunny

You looking at me?

Cute little smile - doesn't she look like Jimmy in this picture?

Sittin' in a patch of pumpkins

I love this picture

She's getting so close to sitting up by herself!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

5 Months Old!

Anna is now 5 months old as of last Friday, which is absolutely impossible to believe. She is growing so fast now that people who see her on a weekly basis claim she's changed tremendously since the last time they saw her. Even Jimmy and I notice a difference on most days. I looked down at her this morning while she was asleep and could hardly believe how long she is!

Last weekend we visited Ma and Paw-Paw in Fort Davis. It was so nice to get out of the house for a few days and enjoy the cooler air of the mountains. Other than that little venture, we've been homebound the past few weeks, which has been nice. It's great to get good family time in before the craziness of the holidays hits us.

Sitting up! (albeit barely) :-)

Daddy's favorite shirt

Mommy and Anna

A little drowsy in the car seat

Paw-Paw, Anna and Ma

If you think after you watch this video, "Jimmy's torturing that baby!" - I promise, she totally loves it - the surprise of it usually makes her giggle!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Rolling Over, Part Deux

Last week, Anna learned how to turn from her back to her stomach - and in record time! According to "What to Expect," she is a full two months ahead on this feat, but of course, Mommy and Daddy are not surprised by this - we already knew she was a genius!

Here's proof of her new amazing ability:

Below, I'm posting a casual family photo, a pic of Anna all dressed up, a pic of her with Pops, and a pic of Mommy and Anna cooking together. Hope everyone has a great week!