Tuesday, March 18, 2008


We went to Dr. Madden a week ago today and found out what Jimmy and I had already known (or guessed, is more accurate) - our new little baby is a girl! We are so thrilled to have two beautiful little girls in our lives, and couldn't possibly more happy with the news. Dr. Madden says she is going to be tall - she's already got long legs - and looks very healthy. She's not quite as active as her big sister was in utero, but I have a feeling with time, she'll be rolling and kicking with the best of them!

Here is the ultrasound pics from two months ago, back in January:

And here are the ones from last week (the top one is her long leg outstretched):

Isn't it amazing the vast difference in two months?

Speaking of the vast difference two months can make, our Anna Banana is growing, both physically and developmentally, in leaps and bounds lately. She is now standing up on her own, babbling constantly with all sorts of new consonants added to her vocabulary, and is always on a new adventure - whether that's trying to figure out why the refrigerator vent is so dusty (and what dust tastes like, I might add) or how many DVDs she can pull out of the entertainment center with one swipe. It's so much fun to watch her discover. Here are some new(er) pictures of her - I promise to update this soon with more recent pictures.

Thursday, March 13, 2008