A video of Megan's first bite of solids - rice cereal
In other news, Anna and Megan are really, for the first time, able to play with one another. Up until now, Megan was just a little too little for any play with a toddler. Now, though, she's durable enough to endure Anna's enthusiastic loving. Nothing makes my heart clench up with love more than watching them play together. Here are some pics:
This headlock Anna has Megan in looks painful, but Megan just thought it was hilarious
Megan and Anna "talk" a lot - who knows what they might be saying?!?
And finally, just some random pics from the last few weeks...
Me and my beautiful girls - isn't this a great photo Jimmy took?Animal cracker coma
No drama here... :)
A beautiful West Texas sunset out our window
Last but certainly not least, we are MOVING! We have sold our home and have a contract on a new home. We will move on Feb. 13th and will post lots of pictures once we get in. We are so excited to be in our new house - it's fabulous!